Can we turn a problem into an opportunity?Could our own waste be a potential resource to improve our environment?It is necessary to reduce our energetic and material consumption and this balance could be improved if we can give our waste a new life.Last semester we have successfully built a pavilion for the exhibition at the end of the year with the collaboration of 90 students along three semesters. During that time, we have analyzed the waste that we produce; we have developed a research on the way we could recycle our waste in a sustainable and reversible way; we have collected the waste of our Institute
for Architecture for the last two semesters (models, prototypes and office and workshops waste) and we have finally built the pavilion in the foyer of
the Institute for Architecture in July 2022.We would like to transfer this experience to the scale of the city of Aarhus, through a real collaboration with its municipality. We could analyze the
waste that is produced in some selected neighborhoods and find the way to
recycle some of it to produce urban furniture that could improve the public space and at the same time send an awareness message to the inhabitants of each neighborhood about the need to value all our resources, save energy and ultimately take care of our environment. This message could be even more effective if the target of the space are the children: awareness and education. We propose to provide each analyzed neighborhood with a public playground that answers both to the population and to the recycling process